Opening hours – Mon/Tues/Thurs: 8:00 – 17:00, Wednesday: 8:00 – 13:00, Friday: 08:00 – 16:00

What do dental implants cost?


Je nachdem, ob bei Ihnen einzelne Zähne ersetzt werden, Zahnreihen oder gar der ganze Kiefer rekonstruiert werden soll, wobei möglicherweise auch ein Aufbau zurückgebildeter Kieferknochen erforderlich ist, können die [...]

What do dental implants cost?2021-12-22T01:28:32+01:00

What should I be aware of after dental surgery?


Following the procedure, be sure to cool the affected area of the jaw well - use moist cold! - ideally with a small towel or flannel moistened in cold [...]

What should I be aware of after dental surgery?2021-12-22T01:25:43+01:00

How do I register with the oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach at the moment? (Corona-related special procedures)


Please arrange an appointment with us by calling +49 (0)69 8405-1380 during the above-mentioned office hours or send an e-mail. Every day, we inform the security team at the [...]

How do I register with the oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach at the moment? (Corona-related special procedures)2021-12-22T01:24:57+01:00

How do I prepare for surgery?


We treat each operation individually. Before your operation at our oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach, we will clarify with you which documents, results of [...]

How do I prepare for surgery?2021-12-22T01:22:42+01:00

What do I do if a tumour has been found?


First of all, stay calm - medicine calls any cell proliferation without a functional trigger or other explanatory reason a tumour. Most tumours are benign, by the way, but these [...]

What do I do if a tumour has been found?2021-12-22T01:22:09+01:00

Will there be visible scars after my procedure?


Intra-oral procedures and also most jaw realignments heal without visible external scars. TMJ procedures that take place closed (performed as an arthroscopy) also leave only invisible scars. In open temporomandibular [...]

Will there be visible scars after my procedure?2021-12-22T01:21:58+01:00

What do I do if I have severe pain?


After surgical treatment or in the case of chronic pain syndromes and symptoms, we prescribe appropriate painkillers/analgesics for the expected pain intensity on an individual basis and according to our [...]

What do I do if I have severe pain?2021-12-22T01:19:51+01:00