Following the procedure, be sure to cool the affected area of the jaw well – use moist cold! – ideally with a small towel or flannel moistened in cold water. Please do not use cool packs, cold packs or ice packs! Please do not use cool packs, cold packs or ice packs!
Taking antibiotics and/or pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines
can usually prevent complications such as extensive swelling or haematoma. If necessary, we will be happy to prescribe these for you directly after your treatment in our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center.
Plan your meals: eat plenty of food before the operation, because you won’t be able to eat much for the rest of the day. Plan your food for the healing phase after surgery – ideally food that you do not have to chew. It should also not be hard, sharp, very acidic or hot.
Recovery: as bleeding may continue for some time after the operation, you should organise a companion to take you home beforehand. Alternatively, you should order a taxi.
Prof. Landes explains here once again exactly what you need to be aware of: