First of all, stay calm – medicine calls any cell proliferation without a functional trigger or other explanatory reason a tumour. Most tumours are benign, by the way, but these should also be removed as a matter of principle, as they usually continue to grow and can later – or even now – cause pressure damage to tissue or bones or trigger pain. Some benign tumours also have the unpleasant property of degenerating in the long term, i.e. they can become malignant. If you have unfortunately been diagnosed with a malignant tumour, we would like to invite you to benefit from our wealth of 25 years of experience and the highly personalised care provided by our specialists. All therapy steps are discussed at a multi-disciplinary tumour meeting, which brings together specialists from all the disciplines involved. As a surgical department, we have adept techniques and extensive experience around the removal of tumours (and, if necessary, the lymph nodes), as well as subsequent reconstruction, with a focus on microsurgical grafts. We would like to offer you these services, which are supplemented by a specialist follow-up consultation and close cooperation with our departments of radiotherapy, oncology and particularly effective rehabilitation clinics.