Transparency of costs
Advice & diagnosis
Clarification of cost coverage
what statutory and private health insurance funds cover
Detailed & binding offer
for additional services
after cost approval in accordance with the services provided
Treatment anxiety
Why are we afraid?
Fear and the accompanying stress reactions in our body (tensing of muscles, increased breathing and heart rate, sweating, etc.) are useful in themselves because they help us to react quickly in threatening situations and to deal with danger appropriately (fight, flight, freeze). However, our “fear system” also learns as we get older and develops corresponding reflexes. Thus, previous bad experiences or experienced pain can massively increase the fear in a similar situation. Similarly, fearful experiences from another context (e.g. being at the mercy of others, having no control) can also be transferred to a current situation. Some people put additional pressure on themselves (“I have to endure this”) or feel shame. Anxious thoughts and fears then arise almost automatically and are overwhelming, no matter how objectively straightforward the reality of the situation may be.
Whatever your fear, you are in good hands with us!
Our understanding, empathetic team has a lot of experience in dealing with anxious patients. We make time for you. We will respond to your questions, wishes and needs with the utmost care. We provide you with comprehensive advice and work with tried and tested procedures that ensure gentle, pain-free treatment.
Simply sleep through the procedure
If there is no medical reason not to do so, we can also perform your procedure under sedation or general anaesthesia , for which we have experienced anaesthetists available. You “sleep through” it and don’t even notice it.
- All
- Advice
- Anaesthesia
- Anti-snoring splint (sleep apnoea)
- Cost coverage
- Dental implants
- Dental surgery
- Emergencies
- Immediate appointments
- Inpatient stays
- Operations
- Pain
- Scars
- Temporomandibular joint problems
- Tumour treatment
Intra-oral procedures and also most jaw realignments heal without visible external scars. TMJ procedures that take place closed (performed as an arthroscopy) also leave only invisible scars. In open temporomandibular joint surgery, we work with incisions like those used in aesthetic surgery: these are performed in front of the ear, almost invisibly. We keep scarring during tumour removal to a minimum. You will find extensive illustrated examples under Facial treatment and Tumour treatment.
We will be happy to advise you in detail in a personal consultation at our oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach.
In principle, for people with general health insurance (statutory health insurance), all statutory services, in particular jaw realignment with an approved health insurance plan, root tip resections, etc., are possible without co-payment. Depending on the contract, and also in the case of private insurance or supplementary insurance/assistance, the following additional services may be chargeable:
- Preferred anaesthesia / additional anaesthetic services
- Extensive treatment planning / simulations
- Costly materials
- Aesthetic treatments
We ask for your understanding that we did not invent these regulations, but unfortunately have to implement them.
Transparency is important to us – one of our treatment beliefs is that you deserve reliable cost planning.
As a person with general health insurance (statutory health insurance), you will receive a detailed cost estimate for all additional services, which you will be asked to countersign if you make use of the additional services. The cost estimate may be subject to a fee for you, depending on the amount of work involved. Once again, we ask for your understanding that services free of co-payment are limited to sufficient, appropriate and cost-effective services according to the German Social Security Code (Sozialgesetzbuch).
German Social Security Code (SGB) Book Five (V) – Statutory Health Insurance – (Article 1 of the Act of 20 December 1988, BGBl. I P. 2477) Section 12 (§ 12) Cost-effectiveness requirement
(1) The services must be sufficient, appropriate and cost-effective and they must not exceed what is necessary. Insured persons cannot claim for services that are unnecessary or uneconomical, the service providers may not provide them and the health insurance funds may not approve them.
–––– For patients with private insurance and financial assistance, we carry out all standard treatments at the prevailing scale of charges. Cost estimates, which are charged / subject to fees, are available upon request and for all major planned treatment steps.
Please clarify before your treatment which services are covered by your private health insurance or financial assistance. Given the variety of contracts, it is not possible for us to advise on this or negotiate for you. Accordingly, we cannot accept any responsibility for any costs that may not be covered.
Inpatient stays that can be planned (i.e. not emergency treatment) can be arranged with us in the outpatient clinic, by telephone or by e-mail. Choose an appointment that is convenient for you – both in terms of the urgency of the treatment and in accordance with your life situation (family, job, etc.). If a general anaesthetic is needed as part of your inpatient treatment, an “anaesthetic check-in” is required, i.e. a pre-medication consultation, which usually takes place at least 24 hours before your operation. If you have any questions, you can also take this opportunity to speak to our doctors again.
Following the procedure, be sure to cool the affected area of the jaw well – use moist cold! – ideally with a small towel or flannel moistened in cold water. Please do not use cool packs, cold packs or ice packs! Please do not use cool packs, cold packs or ice packs!
Taking antibiotics and/or pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines
can usually prevent complications such as extensive swelling or haematoma. If necessary, we will be happy to prescribe these for you directly after your treatment in our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center.
Plan your meals: eat plenty of food before the operation, because you won’t be able to eat much for the rest of the day. Plan your food for the healing phase after surgery – ideally food that you do not have to chew. It should also not be hard, sharp, very acidic or hot.
Recovery: as bleeding may continue for some time after the operation, you should organise a companion to take you home beforehand. Alternatively, you should order a taxi.
Prof. Landes explains here once again exactly what you need to be aware of:
Prof. Landes explains all the important points in the video:
An artificial temporomandibular joint is a useful addition for advanced temporomandibular joint disorders and is used when other surgical measures have been unsuccessful. The artificial temporomandibular joint can also be used after a serious injury, in the case of a missing temporomandibular joint, in the case of temporomandibular joint malformations and in the case of temporomandibular joint ossification / ankylosis. Temporomandibular joint endoprostheses are made of the same materials that have already proven themselves in the still far more common joint endoprostheses such as the hip joint or knee joint: highly cross-linked polymer (for the socket) and titanium (medical grade pure titanium) or highly biocompatible metal alloys. Artificial temporomandibular joints, like all joint endoprostheses, are subject to wear and tear that can make replacement necessary after about 20 years. An artificial temporomandibular joint cannot offer the complete range of motion of a healthy temporomandibular joint due to its structural design. However, it helps patients to significantly improve eating, chewing and speaking and reduces pain, allowing a good quality of life as well as unhindered participation in everyday life. At our oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach, we have extensive and long-standing experience with artificial temporomandibular joints and would be happy to offer you personalised advice.
After surgical treatment or in the case of chronic pain syndromes and symptoms, we prescribe appropriate painkillers/analgesics for the expected pain intensity on an individual basis and according to our experience. If you experience a particularly intense peak of pain, you can take an extra dose of painkillers. If the intensity of the pain does not subside, please do not hesitate and come directly to us during the above-mentioned Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center opening hours. Outside the Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center opening hours, please go to the emergency department of the Sana Klinikum Offenbach, where care is available round the clock. If you are suffering from persistent extreme pain, inpatient treatment may be a sensible option. Here, too, we are there for you, together with the specialists of the Department of Pain Therapy at the Sana Klinikum Offenbach.
First of all, stay calm – medicine calls any cell proliferation without a functional trigger or other explanatory reason a tumour. Most tumours are benign, by the way, but these should also be removed as a matter of principle, as they usually continue to grow and can later – or even now – cause pressure damage to tissue or bones or trigger pain. Some benign tumours also have the unpleasant property of degenerating in the long term, i.e. they can become malignant. If you have unfortunately been diagnosed with a malignant tumour, we would like to invite you to benefit from our wealth of 25 years of experience and the highly personalised care provided by our specialists. All therapy steps are discussed at a multi-disciplinary tumour meeting, which brings together specialists from all the disciplines involved. As a surgical department, we have adept techniques and extensive experience around the removal of tumours (and, if necessary, the lymph nodes), as well as subsequent reconstruction, with a focus on microsurgical grafts. We would like to offer you these services, which are supplemented by a specialist follow-up consultation and close cooperation with our departments of radiotherapy, oncology and particularly effective rehabilitation clinics.
Je nachdem, ob bei Ihnen einzelne Zähne ersetzt werden, Zahnreihen oder gar der ganze Kiefer rekonstruiert werden soll, wobei möglicherweise auch ein Aufbau zurückgebildeter Kieferknochen erforderlich ist, können die Kosten entsprechend sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen. Die Kosten für Ihre Zahnimplantate schreiben wir Ihnen gerne detailliert in einem verbindlichen Kostenvoranschlag auf. Diesen erhalten Sie gegen Gebühr nach einem ausführlichen Beratungs- und Aufklärungsgespräch in unserer MKG-Praxis in Offenbach. Zur Beratung erfolgt immer auch eine genaue und aufwändige Diagnostik. Zu unserer speziellen Expertise rund um Zahnimplantate gehören außerdem komplexe Rekonstruktionen in Mund und Kiefer. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass daher ein allgemeiner Kostenkatalog nicht seriös aufgestellt werden kann. Beachten Sie bitte auch, dass wir bei Zahnimplantaten nur den chirurgischen Behandlungsteil übernehmen. Für die Ausführung der Implantatkronen oder Aufbauten/Prothetik überweisen wir Sie an Ihrem Hauszahnarzt.
… and many people feel the same way you do. We understand this and respond to your needs in an understanding, gentle and caring way! Patients with anxiety are part of our daily treatment routine. For example, we also offer all surgical dental procedures in our oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach with sedation or under general anaesthesia.
Find out if you feel comfortable with us:
we invite you to get to know us during a personal consultation. That way, you can get an impression of whether our team is – as we hope – sufficiently friendly and understanding of your needs.
We examine you and offer advice promptly, quickly and in a straightforward manner.
Take advantage of our fast-track consultations on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. each day!
Here you can get a brief examination and consultation on your oral or maxillofacial problem without an appointment!
More info here
For obstructive sleep apnoea, a mandibular advancement splint, also called an “anti-snoring splint”, can offer help. It can be a sensible and cost-saving alternative to a mask ventilator. Requirements: there must be no central causes of apnoea (due to cardiovascular diseases) or temporomandibular joint disorders. You should also have at least ten teeth left so that the splint stays in place.
In order for us to be able to make a protrusion splint for you, a precise diagnosis must first be made by a sleep physician, for example in a sleep laboratory. We will be happy to provide you with addresses in your area. The protrusion splint is custom-made for you in the laboratory and reduces constriction in the throat by shifting the lower jaw slightly forward. This also pulls the tongue forward in the mouth and throat, thereby widening it. After your splint has been created for you, another sleep lab visit will document exactly how far your lower jaw needs to be shifted by the splint so that you can sleep again without pauses in your breathing.
Please arrange an appointment with us by calling +49 (0)69 8405-1380 during the above-mentioned office hours or send an e-mail. Every day, we inform the security team at the entrance to the Sana hospital facility who our visitors will be for the coming day, so that you are on the visitor list and can continue through to our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center rooms in the building without any additional waiting time. Our registration desk is located directly at control station 1 on level 1 (of the Sana Klinikum Offenbach, Starkenburgring 66, 63069 Offenbach am Main). You can find all information about directions and parking here
Exception: Our fast track consultations (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.), to which you can generally come without an appointment. Here, the security staff at the entrance will briefly consult with the Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center team, after which you can walk through to us.
The following also still applies: entering the hospital and our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center rooms is only permitted with mouth/nose protection.
We treat each operation individually. Before your operation at our oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center in Offenbach, we will clarify with you which documents, results of preliminary examinations, X-rays etc. we would like you to bring with you, if you already have them. Our doctors or Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center staff will also discuss all the steps of the treatment with you in detail, e.g. whether you need to remain fasted, what needs to be considered with regard to your medication, whether an accompanying person may be useful or whether you should plan for recovery days at home afterwards. If your treatment requires you to be admitted as an inpatient for monitoring or for further treatment following the operation, we will refer you to one of the nearby hospital departments of your choice. If you would like safe and convenient continuity of your treatment, the Sana Klinikum Offenbach is the place to go.
You can come to the Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center unannounced as an emergency patient at any time during our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center opening hours. We also recommend that you contact us by telephone in an emergency and make an appointment – this way we can shorten your waiting time considerably if necessary. Outside our Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center opening hours or if you are coming by ambulance, the Central Emergency Department of the Sana Klinikum Offenbach (ZNA, Tel +49 (0)69 8405-9072) is your central point of contact and is open 24 hours a day.
In most cases, your dentist will already have prescribed an occlusal splint and physiotherapy. If you come to us directly because of your TMJ pain, we can gladly take over these measures as the first necessary step of treatment. We also specialise in all further steps:
- Arthroscopy
- Closed surgical treatment of the joint
- Open surgical treatment of the joint
- Temporomandibular joint replacement
These measures enable 90 % of all people with temporomandibular joint disorder to completely eliminate pain or at least significantly alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life accordingly.
In special circumstances or for anxious patients, sedation or a general anaesthetic is an alternative to local anaesthesia, provided there are no medical reasons to contraindicate it. We will be happy to advise you and discuss these options with you.
Both options are co-payments for people with statutory health insurance. These may be covered in whole or in part by supplementary insurance – please understand that we cannot assist you in arranging for the costs to be covered or negotiate with your insurer.
Therefore, please inform yourself in good time about any additional costs for the anaesthesia of your choice.
A preliminary consultation before the day of the operation is not mandatory for an outpatient general anaesthetic. However, it is essential to follow certain rules around eating, drinking and smoking for your own safety. We will provide you with detailed information documents and forms at the Clinic and Ambulantory Surgery Center reception desk in relation to these rules.
In the press
Articel published in the Offenbach-Post: about the treatment of
head and neck tumors | 7.10.2019
Interview with Prof. Landes and case studies published in Quintessenz – Case Report – published in Quintessenz
Press release of Sana Klinikum Offenbach on the award of the Focus Seal | 15.07.2021